The Sugarkane Bride

The Sugarkane Bride


The Sugarkane bride is clothed in glamour and luxury.

Daintily, she glides down the aisle. 

Her eyes reflecting her tender heart.

Gracious is she.

Her husband will be glad.

The tone of her voice rings the sound of good melodies.

She stands before the altar with her heart full of joy. 

Her humble words go before her.

Her calmness beseeching.

May she continue to be all that God has created her to be.

May she continue to bloom on this beautiful journey of love.


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All About Sugarkane Bridesmaids

SK Brides boast of a classy, one-of-a-kind entourage.

You will not be the exception.

Our styles range from light silk charmeuse strapless to floor-length side cape in white or butterum.

The spotlight's on you.

It's your special day and everyone on your team has to look the part.

A happy bridesmaid makes a happy bride